Signature Update: Signatures do change over time due to age, illness or other reasons. Your signature on your voter record is used to verify your signature on a certificate for a vote-by-mail ballot or provisional ballot, a candidate petition, an issue petition or any signed writing requesting a ballot or making another change. The signatures must match in order for the ballot or petition to count or other change to be made. Signature updates can be made at any time. Please update your signature using a voter registration application. (English/Español).
You can Mail, Fax, E-mail or Hand Deliver the application to any of our four office locations:
PHONE: (772) 462-1500
FAX: (772) 462-1439
2024 Election Dates
- General Election: November 5th, 2024
Voting by Mail for the 2024 Elections
In Florida, all vote-by-mail requests must be renewed every election cycle. Hence, voters wishing to receive a vote-by-mail ballot for the 2024 elections are required to submit a new request.
To update your voter record or request a vote-by-mail ballot, please follow the provided links:
Key Dates for Vote-by-Mail
General Election
- UOCAVA Ballot Mail-out: Monday, September 16th, 2024
- Statewide Ballot Mail-out: Friday, September 27th, 2024
- First date for a ballot to be picked up by a voter or a designee: TBA
- Deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot: Thursday, October 24th, 2024
- Last day to mail-out Vote-by-Mail ballots: Saturday, October 26th, 2024
- Emergency ballots can be picked up by a voter or a designee: Monday, October 21st thru Tuesday, November 5th by 7:00 pm
- Deadline for Vote-by-Mail ballots to be returned to the Elections Office: Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, by 7:00 pm
Note: A voter can pick up no more than two ballots, other than their own, with a note from their immediate family members.
Procedure for Designees Picking up Ballots
Designees must have:
- A completed and signed affidavit by the voter or
- A note from a voter that includes their name, date of birth, FL. ID, DL# or last four digits of SS# and signature.
- A valid photo ID of the person picking up the ballot.
You can download the Affidavit to pick up a vote-by-mail ballot in English.
Note: You can track the status of your vote by mail request at Here.
Returning Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot
You can return your Vote-by-Mail ballot by mail, hand deliver it to any Early Voting location during Early Voting, or drop it off at any of our four office locations, no later than 7:00 pm on Election Day.
Note: If the ballot requested is to be mailed to an address other than the voter's address currently on file in the Florida Voter Registration System, the request must be made in writing and signed by the voter.
Who Can Request a Vote by Mail Ballot?
Vote-By-Mail requests may be made by:
- The voter
- The voter’s family or legal guardian
Note: A request for a vote-by-mail ballot to be mailed, must be received by the Supervisor of Elections office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the tenth day before the election.
Vote by Mail Ballot Pickup
A voter may ask another person to pick up a Mail-ballot on their behalf up to 5 days prior to the day of the election.
Note: The person designated may not pick up more than two Mail-ballots per election, other than their own, except that additional ballots may be picked up for members of their immediate family.
Voting the Ballot
The voter must personally vote the ballot unless assistance is required due to blindness, disability or inability to read or write. A power of attorney signature is not valid on a Vote by Mail ballot.
Voting In Person After Requesting a Vote by Mail Ballot
If you have obtained a Mail-ballot but wish to vote in your precinct on Election Day, you must take the voted or un-voted Vote-By-Mail ballot with you to the polls so that it can be cancelled.
Returning Your Vote by Mail Ballot
The certificate must be filled out completely with your signature, (email address and your phone number in case we need to contact you) and it must be received at the Supervisor of Elections Office no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Note: USPS recommends that you mail your ballot at least a week before the election date. A vote-by-mail ballot cannot be returned to a polling place. Be sure there is sufficient postage if the ballot is mailed